Sunday, November 11, 2012

Discipline in NB Schools

 Recently in the news, there was an article about a Moncton teacher being under fire for disciplinary actions taken in tying 2 students together for them to get along. It seems Moncton area schools have been getting a lot of grief lately in their handling of disciplinary issues. Really? For being a little more strict on students, that's supposed to be a crime. Parents are quick to lash out and want the head of the teacher or principal when their child is mistreated. Whether there is an incident with a student, teacher or faculty member, it is absolutley ridiculous for parents to act like this!
 When your son or daughter gets into the real world, where's mommy and daddy to help them when someone "hurts their feelings". We see stuff like this go on and we wonder why kids are growing up the way they are. What really grinds my gears about this whole scenario is these are 35-40 year old parents! How were they treated back in their day? They turned out fine, didn't they? If a teacher were to give a student the strap or actually suspend a student, the chances of them being a repeat offender are much lower. I don't mean to sound old fashioned or anything but babying students in place of disciplinary action isn't working.
 It's about time that our Minister of Education steps in and puts some policies in place that actually work. As for the parents involved in this case and cases of their children in general. Grow up! The youth of today aren't growing up brats, you're raising them into them.

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